Friday, May 17, 2013


     Biology and technology are at a feuding stage in this time. With the idea of implanting microchips inside of humans is even more bizarre. These scientist are saying its not about implanting technology to turn you into some futuristic cybernatic life (Terminator) but, it will provide solutions to physical problems and a means for positively identifying humans. One idea is that it would provide sight to the blind by attaching the chip to the outside of th eye. From there the chip would take over processing from damaged photoreceptors and transmit electrical images to the brain. The personal ID chip also known as the VeriMed is a chip that is actually current.  The VeriMed is about the size of a rice grain and is planted underneath the skin. It has a unique serial number and when scanned it connects to a database bringing up your  name, address, and medical conditions. They're also saying it can provide proof just in case someone stole your credit card if they scan the chip in your arm they would know if it were you or not.
     Hospitals are currently using the nonimplant version that is attached with a band on newborn infants. The band with the chip on it, is so hospital staff can monitor the location of any baby instantly. People actually fear for their privacy when it comes to another chip called the "mu-chip". It was designed by Hitachi and is smaller than the period at the end of this sentence. On the other hand, researchers are actually excited because it would be able to track the safety of our food chain as well as the heat and moisture conditions. In my opinion the use of these micro chip implants has it pros and cons. For safety and health reasons I'm definitely for it, but just so the government can know your whereabouts I totally disagree!! Are you for it or against it??


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