Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Being Computer Literate

      Technology is creating major changes than ever in the world we live in today. The more you understand the use of technology the better off you'll be in your future and in your career. In order to take advantage of computers you must understand how they're built and how the different parts function. Being computer savvy would allow you to avoid hackers and viruses, protect your privacy and overall just understanding the real risks. Other techniques would be, being able to use the web wisely, maintaining, upgrading and troubleshooting your own computer.
     The internet can be a powerful tool once you know how to find the most effective information. Knowing about the technological terms for example MB, Ram, CPU, etc. will also help you determine which technological device would be best for you,whether it be a laptop, digital camera, cell phone, etc. Being computer literate will help you save money, time, and endless frustration on your next shopping experience.
    Anyone can become computer literate, but its way than sending and email and using a mouse!!


Internet World Wide Web Web Browser Brandwidth
Modem Memory Disk Space Virus
Broadband Trojan Bytes Bits

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